
How does it work?

Let's keep it simple, there are 4 areas of cost to get the parcel or shipment on its way to you:

  1. Handling and packing the parcels
  2. FFL fees if applicable
  3. Paperwork for invoicing
  4. Paperwork for exporting
  5. Mail, shipping or freight

US Export Licenses

We will process your export license application FREE. This is a single permit valid for 4 years, shipped via us to you, or your local dealer.

 First export application (up to 10 items)  No Charge
 Additional export applications  US $200


Handling Fees and Consolidation

We will package, label and send all your boxes with all supporting documents.

You may have items sourced from more than one supplier, or more than one package from a supplier that you want consolidated into a single shipment. We will unpack and repack for you to optimise your shipping costs.

Handling and packing the parcels US$ 25 per shipment received
FFL fees if applicable US$25 per item
Documentation for invoicing US$ 25 per shipment received
Documentation for export US$ 25 per shipment received
Mail, shipping or freight The actual cost from USPS, Fedex, UPS with no markups.


Large Shipments requiring airfreight

We have a very experienced and reliable airfreight partners that airfreights from our Texas warehouse. A detailed quote will be provided. Costs average out at about A$20 per kg on shipments over 100kg (estimated, subject to change).

Our shipping address:

(Insert your name)
Rankin Industries LLC  (Export)
4000 Haslet Roanoke Road
Suite 111
Roanoke, TX 76262.

Start now! Click here